Time: 10 minutes
Serving: 1 foot bath
You need:
- volant organic Cabin essential oil blend
- volant organic Lemongrass essential oil
There is something beautiful about rinsing my feet clean, washing away the day and getting ready for a fresh start tomorrow.
Lately I have been using Cabin essential oil blend mixed with volant organic Lemongrass oil. This gives a cleansing and soothing aroma.
A Foot bath with Essential Oils
20 drops of Cabin essential oil blend
5 drops of organic Lemongrass essential oil
1. Fill the bathtub or basin with 7-12 cm of warm water, or until the feet are completely covered (you can fill it higher if you want). If you use a basin, make sure you have a comfortable chair to sit in. If you use a bathtub, you can make a nice head rest with a towel so you can relax.
2. Add essential oils to the water.
3. Keep your feet under water for as long as you need.
4. Take four long, deep breaths.