With trial and error, I have found that the morning routine is the most important and effective routine.
Here you learn how to establish an effective morning routine and how aromatherapy can help make it easier.
6 Steps to Implementing a Morning Routine with Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy makes it easier to establish a routine. that the sense of smell is the one most closely linked to the brain's limbic system, which controls memories and emotions. These are two things you should stimulate to implement a ritual.

Energy is the best oil to start the day with
1. Make a Plan
Start by writing down how you want to start your day. Examine and think through what elements you want to add to your morning routine. This is what I have included in my morning routine:
My Morning Routine
1. Alarm 06:00 on weekdays (8 hours after I go to bed on weekends)
2. Switch on the diffuser with Energy oil blend
3. Drink a large glass of water to hydrate - Read why
4. Stretching exercise approx. 5 minutes - Read why
5. Training approx. 40 min (running or strength training, adjust intensity according to how you feel)
6. Short 5-minute diary - Read more
- Three things I have to do today
- Three things I am grateful for
- Three affirmations of values I want to live up to
7. Cold shower approx. 1 min - Read why
8. Meditate 15 min - Read why
9. Breakfast
10. Read to learn something new in 30 min - Learn more
11. Work on the most meaningful task I will do during the day
This can seem overwhelming and anything is better than nothing. What you want to include in the routine is individual and varies according to preferences and circumstances.
2. Start with the largest domino
Find the most effective action in the planned routine, the action that makes everything else easier. This could be, for example, getting up early and getting in some physical activity, yoga or meditation. For me, it was doing a workout every morning. A workout in the morning makes me feel better and makes everything else throughout the week easier. I also needed to get up early enough to have time to do this before work.
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