What is most important to you when it comes to your interior?
I live close to nature between a forest and a lake. The nature and harmony that surrounds me is reflected in my home. I also express my African roots in my home. You can find and recognise me in my home.
What is the first thing you notice in other peoples' homes?
The first thing I "feel" when I first enter another person's home is the atmosphere. How are the people in the home, what am I noticing, how does it smell, what colours and furniture are used, is it tidy or chaotic? A person's home truly reflect a person.
How do you use aromatherapy in your everyday life and how does your diffuser help?

Aromatherapy has been a companion in my everyday life for many years. Who does not remember the scent of a beautiful flowering rose? This smell can easily be recalled!
My morning starts with one scent and the evening ends with another. My evening scents are light and relaxing for the bedroom, mostly lavender or frankincense. In the morning it can be fresh and awakening such as lemon, orange, or my favourite essential oil blend "Breathe" from Volant. In winter, a hot bath with a few drops of eucalyptus or geranium is pure soul comfort.
What positive effects do you notice through aromatherapy?
The positive effect I notice in addition to well-being is that there is a wonderful scent in the room, which is very natural and unobtrusive. I like to be able to spray a different scent every day according to my mood.